Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Legislative Alert

F  House Committee on Federal and State Affairs
Dana Rooney, Committee Assistant–785-368-7166
9:00 a.m.
Room 346-S
Thursday, March 3
Bill introductions
Discussion & possible action on:

Refugee resettlement; refugee absorptive capacity act.

(as you can see by the title - this is clearly a biased article)


Please read, learn and share information about these two bills that are currently in the Kansas legislature.  Letters and phone calls to your legislators and to the committee members in favor of these bills are needed.

Sponsored and introduced by Committee on Federal and State Affairs  

March 25, 2015
The Honorable Ralph Ostmeyer, Chairperson
Senate Committee on  Federal and State Affairs
Statehouse, Room 136-E
Topeka, Kansas 66612

Dear Senator Ostmeyer:

SUBJECT: Fiscal Note for SB 166 by Senate Committee on Federal and State Affairs

In accordance with KSA 75-3715a, the following fiscal note concerning SB 166 is respectfully submitted to your committee.

SB 166 would enact the Rule of Law Restoration Act, which would take effect on January 1, 2016.

Under the bill, no employer or business entity could hire, recruit, or refer for a fee, for employment, an alien knowing the alien is an unauthorized alien with respect to employment or knowing that the alien’s employment authorization is based on the fact that the alien received deferred action pursuant to the federal executive memoranda.

The bill specifies that no wage, compensation, or remuneration of any kind for the performance of services paid to an unauthorized alien or to an alien who received deferred action pursuant to the federal executive memoranda would be allowed as a deductible business expense for any state income or business tax purposes in Kansas.

This provision would apply whether or not an Internal Revenue Service form 1099 is issued in conjunction with the wages or remuneration.

No driver’s license or nondriver identification would be issued to any person who is an alien who received deferred action pursuant to the federal executive memoranda. An alien who applies for a new driver’s license or to renew a driver’s license would be required to provide a valid passport or any document issued by the federal government indicating the applicant’s  lawful immigration status.

The Office of the Attorney General states any costs related to the enactment of SB 166 would come from any legal challenges. If a legal challenge were made, the agency indicates it would likely be required to utilize the State Solicitor General and may be required to use outside counsel based upon the amount of discovery required.

The Honorable
Ralph Ostmeyer, Chairperson
March 25, 2015
Page 2 —SB 166

The Kansas Department of Revenue states passage of SB 166 would have a negligible effect on State General Fund revenues.

According to the Kansas Department of Labor, there would be no fiscal effect resulting from the passage of SB 166.

Any fiscal effect associated with SB 166 is not reflected in The FY 2016 Governor’s Budget Report.

Shawn Sullivan,
Director of the Budget

Jack Smith, KDOR
Willie Prescott, Attorney General’s Office
Dawn Palmberg, Labor


The Kansas House of Representatives Committee on the Judiciary held a hearing on House Bill (HB) 2466 Wednesday, February 3. HB 2466 prohibits localities in the state from implementing sanctuary policies that impede the enforcement of immigration law

Specifically, HB 2466 prohibits  cities and counties from implementing an ordinance, resolution, policy or procedure that limits or restricts the enforcement of immigration law. The measure also protects local law enforcement’s ability to cooperate with federal immigration officials by prohibiting cities and counties from limiting officers’ authority to gather immigration status information and communicate such information federal authorities.

State and local law enforcement are often on the front lines in dealing with crime involving transnational gang activity, human trafficking, smuggling, drug related offenses, and other serious crimes often tied to illegal immigration.  When state and local law enforcement fail to contact federal immigration officials, criminal aliens are able to reenter communities and engage in further criminal activity at the expense and safety of citizens and lawful aliens.

In addition to threatening public safety, sanctuary policies impose a needless waste of taxpayer money and resources. Because many sanctuary policies force law enforcement officials to release criminals back onto the streets instead of notify ICE or transfer criminal aliens to federal custody, local law enforcement often encounter recidivist criminal aliens repeatedly. Public resources are best utilized when the federal government can obtain custody of wanted criminal aliens at the time they are apprehended by law enforcement.

It is very expensive and makes little sense to release deportable aliens back onto the streets and force federal officials to pursue their cases independently. Kansas has approximately 88,300 illegal aliens residing in the state, costing taxpayers over $424 million dollars a year. These costs include estimates of taxes contributed by unauthorized aliens.

Kansas is one of about a dozen states that have introduced legislation to prohibit sanctuary policies this year. These states include Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia and Wisconsin.